Publication 571
1. 403(b) Plan BasicsThis chapter introduces you to 403(b) plans and accounts. Specifically, the chapter answers the following questions.
What is a 403(b) Plan?A 403(b) plan, also known as a tax-sheltered annuity (TSA) plan, is a retirement plan for certain employees of public schools, employees of certain tax-exempt organizations, and certain ministers. Individual accounts in a 403(b) plan can be any of the following types.
Note. Throughout this publication, wherever the term 403(b) account is used, it refers to any one of these funding arrangements, unless otherwise specified. What are the Benefits of Contributing to a 403(b) Plan?There are three benefits to contributing to a 403(b) plan.
Excluded. If an amount is excluded from your income, it is not included in your total wages on your Form W-2. This means that you do not report the excluded amount on your tax return. Deducted. If an amount is deducted from your income, it is included with your other wages on your Form W-2. You report this amount on your tax return, but you are allowed to subtract it when figuring the amount of income on which you must pay tax. Who Can Participate in a 403(b) Plan?Any eligible employee can participate in a 403(b) plan. Eligible employees. The following employees are eligible to participate in a 403(b) plan.
Ministers. The following ministers are eligible employees for whom a 403(b) account can be established.
Note. Throughout this publication, the term chaplain will be used to mean ministers described in the third category in the list above. Example. A minister employed as a chaplain by a state-run prison and a chaplain in the United States Armed Forces are eligible employees because their employers are not section 501(c)(3) organizations and they are employed as ministers. Who Can Set Up a 403(b) Account?You cannot set up your own 403(b) account. Only employers can set up 403(b) accounts. A self-employed minister cannot set up a 403(b) account for his or her benefit. If you are a self-employed minister, only the organization (denomination) with which you are associated can set up an account for your benefit. How Can Contributions Be Made to My 403(b) Account?Generally, only your employer can make contributions to your 403(b) account. However, some plans will allow you to make after-tax contributions (defined later). The following types of contributions can be made to 403(b) accounts.
Self-employed minister. If you are a self-employed minister, you are considered both an employee and an employer, and you can contribute to a retirement income account for your own benefit. Do I Report Contributions on My Tax Return?Generally, you do not report contributions to your 403(b) account on your tax return. Your employer will report contributions on your Form W-2. Elective deferrals will be shown in box 12 and the Retirement plan box will be checked. If you are a self-employed minister or chaplain, see the discussions below. Self-employed ministers. If you are a self-employed minister, you must report the total contributions as a deduction on your tax return. Deduct your contributions on line 31 of Form 1040. Chaplains. If you are a chaplain and your employer does not exclude contributions made to your 403(b) account from your earned income, you may be able to take a deduction for those contributions on your tax return. However, if your employer has agreed to exclude the contributions from your earned income, you will not be allowed a deduction on your tax return. If you can take a deduction, enter your contributions on line 34 of Form 1040. Write 403(b) on the dotted line next to line 34. How Much Can Be Contributed to My 403(b) Account?There are limits on the amount of contributions that can be made to your 403(b) account each year. If contributions made to your 403(b) account are more than these contribution limits, penalties may apply. Chapters 2 through 6 provide information on how to determine the amount that can be contributed to your 403(b) account. Worksheets are provided in chapter 9 to help you determine the maximum amount that can be contributed to your 403(b) account each year. Chapter 7, Excess Contributions, describes steps you can take to prevent excess contributions and to get an excess contribution corrected. - Continue - |